The popularity of our library books in 2021

Scientific and scholarly works

  1. Principles of Marketing / Kotler, Philip
  2. Introduction to Management / Combe, Colin
  3. Introduction to Psychology / Atkinson, Rita L. et al.
  4. International Economics / Krugman, Paul R
  5. Early Modern History / Poór János ed.
  6. Hungarian Literature / Gintli Tibor ed.
  7. Számviteli ismeretek – érthetően, szórakoztatóan / Laáb Ágnes
  8. Nichomachean Ethics / Aristotle
  9. Social Psychology / Smith, Eliot R.
  10. Discipline and Punish / Foucault, Michel
    Euthyphro / Plato
    Republic / Plato


  1. Heart of Darkness / Conrad, Joseph
    A szakállas Neptun / Nádasdy, Ádám
  2. Hungarian Copperfield / Bereményi, Géza
  3. The Brothers Karamazov / Dostoevsky, Fyodor Mikhailovich
  4. Normal People / Rooney, Sally
  5. The Crying of Lot 49 / Pynchon, Thomas
  6. The Hunger Angel / Müller, Herta
  7. If on a winter's night a traveler / Calvino, Italo
  8. Halotti pompa / Borbély, Szilárd
  9. The Stranger / Camus, Albert
    Neighbourhood / Zoltán, Gábor
  10. Nothing / Teller, Janne





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