Object of the month – Commemorative medal issued for the 350th anniversary of the ELTE’s founding
Our university was founded by Péter Pázmány in Nagyszombat (today Trnava, Slovakia) in 1635. In 1985, for the 350th anniversary of the founding, for example, in addition to the Hungarian coins, the Slovak Numismatic Society also produced a commemorative medal.
On the front of the commemorative medal is a bird's-eye view of Nagyszombat, with the Jesuit church in Nagyszombat and the adjacent university buildings in the center. Inscription on the upper part: "UNIVERSITAS TYRNAVIENSIS 1635-1985" On the back, bands divide the image of the medal into three rings, in the middle is the head of Christ. In the innermost ring, in fields separated by columns, alpha and omega signs, sun and moon, and the letters "R" and "T". In the next lane: inscription "POBOČKA TRNAVA SNS". Inscription beginning "350 VÝROČIE ZALOŽENIA UNIVERZITY" at the far end. Commemorative medal issued for the 350th anniversary of the foundation of the University of Nagyszombat.