How can I get to the University Archives?
Address: 1053 Budapest Ferenciek tere 6.
Telephone: +36 1 411 6500 / 3442
Admission to the building is subject to a valid library card or loan card, which can be obtained at the customer service desk. Archives services are available in the research room on the first floor.
When is the research room open?
The research room is open Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 19.30. However, archival information, requests and requests for documents may be made from 9.00 to 16.00 from Monday to Thursday and from 9.00 to 14.00 on Fridays. From Monday to Thursday after 16.00 and after 14.00 on Fridays, only previously consulted documents can be consulted in the research room.
How can I research in the archives?
Under legistlation 1995. LXVI. Act (Archives Act) every Hungarian citizen over the age of 18 has the right to research in the archives.
Not Hungarian citizens can research in the archives as well, in case they approve and observe the operative laws regarding the protection and management of data.
The registration and research of the documents are free.
Before starting the reserach you can make request on this email:
You can register in person.
Each researcher can submit 2 request. A request can contain one box per archival unit or 10 volume or 10 records by archival reference number.
What types of documents can I research?
The archives preserve the Eötvös Loránd University’s and it’s precedessor’s historical records, like as university offices, faculties, departments records, the matriculation’s records, the university’s employees, professors, researchers relevant personnel and employment documents and the professors’ legacies.
Records of the Faculty of Medicine can be found at Archives of Semmelweis University and the records of the Faculty of Theology located in archives of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.
What kind of documents can I find for family research?
If the person was a student of the university:
The records of the enrolled students start around the 1880’s. If the person you are looking for studied before 1880, beyond the Almanachs we can’t provide information.
All research containing personal data may be conducted in accordance with the Archives Act. (1995. évi LXVI. tc. 24. §).
What digitized database can I search?
You can find information about the digitized database under the menu ’University history online’
Where can I find the repository guides?
The up-to-date holdings of the archives are available here:
A repertory published in print, but it does not include the new holdings since then.
The repertory’s first issue (1988) is available here:
The repertory’s second issue (1999) is available here:
Do the archives preserve doctoral dissertations and theses?
No, the archives don’t preserve dissertations and theses. The doctoral dissertations are collected by the University Library. On the theses the competent departments or the faculty libraries can provide information.
Is it possible to take a photo or make a copy?
No photography is allowed. The fees for copying are the same as the fees for reprography of the library's special collection documents, which are set out in Appendix 4 of the Rules of Organisation and Operation of the Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives.
Copying is not possible.