Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).



For authors with an ELTE affiliation in the case of scientific publications, the upload is available in The Library of Hungarian Scientific Works (MTMT). You do not need to be registered in EDIT to do this; however, all other uploads, that are not initiated from the MTMT interface, require registration and collection assignment. If you would like to place content in EDIT, please contact the central administrators of EDIT at editadmin@lib.elte.hu (Judit Fejes, Tibor Móring).

The uploading process from the MTMT interface

The picture illustrates the EDIT upload process starting from the MTMT interface: 1.	posting the scientific statement in the MTMT after registration, 2.	selecting the statement then choosing the Actions/Upload to repository option, 3.	after selecting the full-text file, the EDIT repository, and the OA type, accepting the copyright statement, then selecting the Upload button, 4.	after verification and approval by the EDIT administration, the item will be available in EDIT.

The process of uploading from the EDIT interface

The picture illustrates the EDIT upload process starting from the EDIT interface: 1.	contacting the central administrator of EDIT (editamind@lib.elte.hu), registration, 2.	the EDIT central administrator grants the permission required to upload, 3.	filling out the upload form, accepting the license then approving the upload, 4.	after the administrator review, the document becomes available in the repository.

Source/author of illustration:
https://edit.elte.hu és https://www.anthonyboyd.graphics/mockups/ipad-pro-with-keyboard-mockup/