Temporary closure: The ELTE University Library and Archives will be closed from January 25, 2025 (Saturday) to February 8, 2025 (Saturday).


Who approves the uploaded items?

The uploaded items are approved by the author and thus made public in the system (visible to others or displayed on the public interface). Authorization of the author also indicates to the administrators that the data considered correct have been recorded.

Why does the science metrics table show my peer-reviewed article among the non-peer-reviewed or among others?

In this case, the revising of the journal is not yet set in the MTMT. The author can indicate the revising by logging in to the MTMT in the Author Forum or in an e-mail to the central administration based on the following criteria:

  1. Indexed by WoS, SCOPUS, PubMed;
  2. is listed in the SCImago database, has an SJR value;
  3. is listed in ERIH and/or ERIH Plus;
  4. is on the DOAJ list;
  5. edited and indexed according to the website of Ulrich’s and the journal: Nature Publishing, CABI, ProQuest, MatchSciNet, Zentralblatt MATH;
  6. is on the list of journals of the historian Hrcak;
  7. is listed by the Getty Research Institute, Bibliography of the History of Art, BHA;
  8. on the MTA class list: A, B, C or INT1, INT2, NAT category.

If the journal does not meet any of the above listed, the department or committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) can be contacted, and in case of their positive evaluation, the adjustment will be made. Based on an editorial certificate, it is currently not possible to set the revising of the journal in MTMT. The MTMT Scientific Council decides on the acceptance of the editorial certificate and the peer review procedure published on the journal’s website. 

How do I record my online publication?

Apply it to the same type and rating as if it were printed, you only need to select “yes” for the “Digital” setting. If the document does not have page numbers, you need to find an identifier instead (the distinguishing mark, the serial number of the publication within the document; otherwise, the part of the URL after the last slash is recommended) be entered in the ArtNo field. The publication will then be approved.

Why can’t I edit or delete my publication?

The author cannot delete a post to which a book chapter or conference post belongs or is beyond the 90-day submission deadline. The faculty MTMT administrator can help resolve this issue.

Can I upload the full text of my publication?

No, but a link to the full text can be included in the MTMT description. According to the 6/2012. (II. 23.) Rector’s Directive, the full text can be uploaded to EDIT institutional repository.

Can I only enter my publication in MTMT that I am the author or editor of?

No. If you are the translator, source editor, collaborator, bibliographer, etc., a contributory publication can also be uploaded by using the “Authorship Type” option.

Where can I check the Q-value of a scientific journal or its inclusion in the MTA journal list?

MTMT takes the Q-values for ranking journals from SCImago.

SCImago is available for free so anyone can view the data.

The journal lists of the departments of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) are available on the pages containing the regulations of the academic departments on doctoral procedures, as well as in the public search engine of the MTMT, broken down by classes.

Further information about the Q-classification of journals and the journal lists of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA) can be found here.

How do I set my public interface to display the “Summary Table” that is relevant to me in addition to the “Professional Table”?

After entering the authoring interface, scroll down the button with your username at the top right and select Edit My Data.

In the data sheet that appears, go to the Specialization Summary field, select the table corresponding to the specialization from the drop-down menu, then click the Save and Close button at the bottom of the page.

How can my data be transferred from MTMT to doktori.hu?

The chosen publication you want to transfer must be added to the so-called Selected statements list in MTMT

Then the transfer can be started on the doktori.hu interface in the Import Announcements section.

Detailed instructions: Creating a selected list of publications, importing publication data. You can ask your faculty MTMT administrator for further assistance in performing these operations.

Where can I find my Hirsch-index in MTMT?

Each author finds the Hirsch-index generated by MTMT in the Hirsch-index filed of their Summary Table.

MTMT only calculates on the basis of the data in the database and also applies additional criteria (you can inquire about these in the Notes at the bottom of the table).

You can find further information about the Hirsch-index here, and you can ask your faculty MTMT administrator for more help with any questions you may have.

What does Independet/ Dependent citation mean?

When uploading a new citation, you need to set whether it is an independent citation. A citation shall be deemed to be independent if the citing author and the cited author are not the same. In case, that the two publications (citing and cited) have at least one identical author, they should already be treated as dependent citations.

Source/author of illustration: