Due to the relocation of our external warehouse the books and doctoral dissertations stored there, as well as the entire stock of the library's periodicals, will be unavailable until the end of January 2025. Many of our books are still available for loan and current literature can be found on the open shelves.

Book launch from the material of our museum collection

As a part of our book launch, you can gain insight into the special publications of our library, during which the secrets of our old printed matters are revealed. The program is announced on major open days of the library; however, if it is required, we also organize book launches at pre-arranged times.

Fees of the book launch:

  • in Hungarian: HUF 400 / person, minimum number of people: 5;
  • in a foreign language (English, German): HUF 800 / person, minimum number of people: 5;
  • free for ELTE citizens, ELTE Alumni members and people with disabilities.  

Login and information: kabinet@lib.elte.hu.


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