News archive

2021. May 17., Monday – 19:50
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Lorand University is glad to inform our dear Readers that according to the current university regulations, our reading rooms are expected to be closed until the end of August 2021. Our library provides rental and other services – even during the whole summer period. We are pleased to offer you our lending, book returns and pick-up services requested online at the information desk at the entrance on weekdays from 9:00 to 18:00. For more information, please, visit our website.
2021. May 12., Wednesday – 09:37
ULA University Library
The Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives’ exhibition won first place with the title Under the spell of Accuracy. The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös in the category of archival exhibitions announced by the Association of Hungarian Archivists.
2021. April 27., Tuesday – 00:52
ULA University Library
The University Library and Archives of Eötvös Loránd University will provide the technical background for the publication of two national library journals with a long history, the Book, Library, Librarian (Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros) and the Library Monitor (Könyvtári Figyelő).
2021. April 7., Wednesday – 15:25
ULA University Library
A járványügyi helyzetre való tekintettel a K21 Minőségirányítási Koordinációs Bizottság idei első negyedéves beszámolójára Teams-megbeszélés keretében került sor. A munkacsoportok vezetői beszámoltak az elmúlt negyedév eredményeiről, a folyamatban lévő munkákról és változásokról.
2021. March 26., Friday – 16:40
ULA University Library
Dear Readers!  
2021. March 26., Friday – 14:36
University Library Service (ULS)
We would like to inform the lecturers, researchers and students of Eötvös Loránd University that our university has subscribed to the following 37 databases for 2021, six of which offere free Open Access publishing opprtunity (Akadémiai Kiadó, Cambridge University Press, De Gruyter, Elsevier, Springer, and Wiley).
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 23:43
ULA Archives
We kindly inform our researchers and clients, that the archives will be closed from March 8 to 22, 2021.
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 23:39
ULA Archives
The research room has a wifi connection from 1st March, 2021, so the researchers can be reached quickly and conveniently our digitized materials and our online repository.
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 23:37
ULA Archives
In 2020, the archival records increased with 55 linear meters of records.
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 23:34
ULA Archives
A new volume of the series „Felsőoktatási kiadványok” (Higher education publications) has been published, entitled Durovics Alex: Evangélikus líceumok felsőfokú hallgatói 1771-1850 (Alex, Durovics: Graduate students of Lutheran high schools).
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 15:21
University Library Service (ULS)
There has been a new obligation since last year, so every applicant has to attach a certificate from the MTMT to the application. The document includes the applicant’s scientometric datas and it has to be issued by the central University Library.
2021. March 9., Tuesday – 15:11
University Library Service (ULS)
An ORCID has been required for validation in the STA database since 1st of april. It means that your STA profile has to include your ORCID, if you want to validate the profile.
2021. February 23., Tuesday – 01:10
ULA University Library
The event has been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic! One of the early versions of the Eötvös pendulum, the “Paris pendulum” made in 1898, was exhibited in the ELTE University Library and Archives in the interactive exhibition „Under the the spell of accuracy – The Life and Work of Loránd Eötvös”. After closing our library, when the street is quiet, it is worth watching the pendulum during operation. We look forward to seeing you at our guided tours! Participation is free, but pre-registration is required. You can register at the e-mail address
2021. February 23., Tuesday – 01:07
ULA University Library
Our library welcomes visitors from 2nd of November 2020 with extended opening hours and comprehensive services. New opening hours:
2021. February 23., Tuesday – 00:59
University Library Service (ULS)
As the first library in Hungary, the ELTE University Library Service (EKSZ) was awarded the EFQM “Committed to Excellence” certificate.
2021. February 1., Monday – 16:10
ULA University Library
Dear Readers! We would like to inform you that the Organisational and Operational Regulations of the University Library and Archives are available in the ELTE EDIT repository. We wish a pleasant rest and a successful spring semester for all our readers! Eötvös Loránd University Library and Archives
2021. January 26., Tuesday – 14:02
ULA University Library
Using the new joint search engine (discovery), we can now search not only library documents, but also the contents of EDIT (ELTE Digital Institutional Knowledge Base) and 
2021. January 12., Tuesday – 14:28
University Library Service (ULS)
In 2021, 6 databases ordered through EISZ will provide free Gold Open Access publishing options.  Pursuant to the subscription agreement between EISZ and the publishers, OA publication may be requested by the corresponding author of the articles, who must have an ELTE affiliation in order for the OA publication with no APC to the authors.
2020. December 15., Tuesday – 16:17
ULA University Library
In Christmas time this year, János Acsai from the Department of Informatics and Development, and Éva Erzsébet Orbán, the staff of the Department of Collection Management were honored by the ELTE University Library and Archives with the Pro Bibliot
2020. December 3., Thursday – 13:31
University Library Service (ULS)
As the first library in Hungary, the ELTE University Library Service (EKSZ) was awarded the EFQM “Committed to Excellence” certificate.