Book launch for our adopters

In the framework of our book adoption programme, our conservator and reference librarian gave our adopters a detailed presentation of the supported volumes.

Évi Dénes, emotional intelligence trainer, communication specialist and writer, has adopted the work of Czech educator Jan Amos Komenský (Latin: Johannes Comenius, 1592-1670), often referred to as Orbis pictus.

The book was originally made to help pupils to learn Latin the easiest way. However, it also contains materials from almost every scientific field, hence becoming a simplified encyclopaedia of the 17-th century knowledge. The work was printed first in 1658, and until 1917 it was published for almost 300 times. The first four-language edition was issued in 1666 in Latin, German, French and Italian – this particular book was also written in these languages. In the beginning, the work was illustrated with woodcuts, but later on the pictures were printed with copperplates. The coursebook contains 150 topics, each illustrated with a picture and complemented with word-lists as tools to help the pupils in the process of studying. Among the topics one can find nature, flora and fauna, religion and the aspects of human life, e. g. the human body, craftsmanship and children’s games.

This book once belonged to historian János Mircse of Barátos, who left his book collection to the University Library. (This catalogue can be find under the call number J 147/d I-II.)

The book is part of the book adoption program of the Foundation for the University Library. Save a book, adopt a book! For more information visit our website:

Adopted book: RMK III 623a Komenský, Jan Amos (1592–1670): Joh. Amos Comenii Orbis sensualium pictus quadrilinvis emendatus, hoc est: omnium fundamentalium in mundo rerum et vita actionum pictura et nomenclatura Germanica, Latina, Italica et Gallica. Cum titulorum indicibus atque vocabulorum dictionariolis accurante Matthia Cramero, lingv. exotic. professore. Cum gratia et privil. sac. caes. majestatis. regis Poloniae et sereniss. electoris Saxonici. Noribergae : sumptibus Martini Endteri, MDCCVII.

Adopted book


Source/author of illustration:

Trial access to World Scientific Publishing journals

World Scientific Publishing has offered trial access to the entire journal portfolio. The trial period lasts for two months, from 3 February 2025 to 3 April 2025.

During the trial period, institutional users can access and use articles published in World Scientific Publishing journals over the past 5 years.

The platform is available at the following link: connected to the ELTE internet network directly on campus or remotely via VPN service.

World Scientific releases approximately 600 new titles per annum and publishes more than 180 journals across multiple fields. With a publication history of over 12,000 titles, a significant proportion of World Scientific's books are prescribed as reading material by prestigious institutions like Harvard University, California Institute of Technology, Stanford University, and Princeton University. At present, WSPC's digital content is accessible to more than 45,000 universities, libraries and organizations worldwide, with usage boosted by collaborating with diverse search and discovery partners.

During the trial access, the following journals in the scientific fields are available:

  • Asian Studies
  • Business & Management
  • Chemistry
  • Computer Science
  • Economics & Finance
  • Engineering / Acoustics
  • Environmental Science
  • Life Sciences / Biology
  • Materials Science
  • Mathematics
  • Medicine
  • Nanotechnology & Nanoscience
  • Nonlinear Science, Chaos & Dynamical Systems
  • Physics and Astronomy
  • Social Sciences


Information about the site can be downloaded here.

Source/author of illustration:

Using the Library

You can register/enrol in person at the information desk on the first floor of the library. Please bring your identity documents with you to register.

If you…

… a student of ELTE

You can register free of charge at the library. As a student, enrolment is valid for one semester.  You should always have your library card with you when you visit the library.


High school students who have reached the age of 14 and are under the age of 16 can register for free.

The popularity of our library books in 2024

Scientific and scholarly works

  • Gaston Bachelard: A tér poétikája
  • Immanuel Kant: A tiszta ész kritikája
  • Michel Foucault: Felügyelet és büntetés
  • Arisztotelész: Nikomakhoszi etika
  • Massimo Montanari: Éhség és bőség
  • David Ross: Kant etikája
  • Jan Assmann: A kulturális emlékezet
  • Max Horkheimer – Theodor W. Adorno: A felvilágosodás dialektikája
  • Friedrich Nietzsche: A hatalom akarásáról és az örök visszatérésről
  • Jacques Derrida: A hang és a fenomén
  • Platón: Állam
  • René Descartes: Elmélkedések az első filozófiáról
  • Maurice Merleau-Ponty: A látható és a láthatatlan
  • Roland Barthes: Mitológiák
  • Paul De Man: Az olvasás allegóriái
  • Michel Foucault: Elmebetegség és pszichológia – A klinikai orvoslás születése
  • A. J. Gurevics: A középkori ember világképe
  • Sue Hadfield: Asszertivitás
  • G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, M. Schofield: A preszókratikus filozófusok
  • Platón: Gorgiasz


  • Stephen A. Ross, Randolph W. Westerfield, Bradford D. Jordan: Fundamentals of Corporate Finance
  • Aswath Damodaran: A befektetések értékelése
  • Ferenczi Attila – Monostori Martina: Latin nyelvkönyv
  • Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz: International Economics
  • Magyar irodalom (szerk. Gintli Tibor)
  • N. Gregory Mankiw: A közgazdaságtan alapjai
  • Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller: Marketingmenedzsment
  • Paul R. Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld: Nemzetközi gazdaságtan
  • Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong, Sridhar Balasubramanian: Principles of Marketing
  • Jeffrey M. Wooldridge: Introductory Econometrics
  • A magyar nyelvtörténet kézikönyve (szerk. Kiss Jenő és Pusztai Ferenc)
  • Earl Babbie: A társadalomtudományi kutatás gyakorlata
  • Romsics Ignác: Magyarország története a XX. században
  • Középkori egyetemes történeti szöveggyűjtemény (szerk. Sz. Jónás Ilona)
  • Gósy Mária: Pszicholingvisztika
  • Európa ezer éve: a középkor I-II. (szerk. Klaniczay Gábor)
  • Gyáni Gábor – Kövér György: Magyarország társadalomtörténete a reformkortól a második világháborúig
  • Kálmán László – Trón Viktor: Bevezetés a nyelvtudományba
  • Laáb Ágnes: Számviteli ismeretek
  • Alan Sangster, Lewis Gordon: Frank Wood's Business Accounting


  • Lao-ce: Tao te king – az Út és Erény könyve (ford. Weöres Sándor)
  • Bernáth István: Skandináv mitológia
  • Italo Calvino: Ha egy téli éjszakán egy utazó
  • Illyés Gyula: Puszták népe
  • Kaffka Margit: Színek és évek – Hangyaboly
  • Kosztolányi Dezső: Esti Kornél
  • George Orwell: 1984
  • Homérosz: Íliász
  • George Orwell: Állatfarm
  • Szerb Antal: Utas és holdvilág
  • Dante Alighieri: Isteni színjáték
  • Dosztojevszkij: Bűn és bűnhődés
  • Esterházy Péter: Egyszerű történet vessző száz oldal – a Márk változat
  • Háy János: A bogyósgyümölcskertész fia
  • E. T. A. Hoffmann: Az arany virágcserép – A homokember – Scuderi kisasszony
  • Franz Kafka: Az átváltozás
  • Kemény Lili: Nem
  • Krasznahorkai László: Sátántangó
  • Thomas Mann: Tonio Kröger – Halál Velencében – Mario és a varázsló
  • Virginia Woolf: Mrs. Dalloway
Source/author of illustration:

Exploring Social Sciences and Humanities Content in the Web of Science Core Collection (Webinar)

The Web of Science Core Collection is a reliable and comprehensive resource for scientific research, including the most significant journals, books, and conference proceedings in the fields of social sciences, arts, and humanities.

What participants will learn during the webinar:

  • The process of selecting sources in social sciences, arts, and humanities.
  • Effective methods for searching the database.
  • Opportunities to analyze citation networks for uncovering relevant literature.

Date: January 29, 2025, 10:00-11:00 AM

Language: Hungarian

Participation is free, but prior registration is required.

More information and registration: Registration


Source/author of illustration:

Exhibition on the life of Gusztáv Bárczi

An exhibition on the life and work of Gusztáv Bárczi has opened in the library of the Gusztáv Bárczi Faculty of Special Education.

Gusztáv Bárczi was a prominent figure in the field of curative education, which began in 1899. Between 1942 and 1963 he was the director of the College of Curative Education, the predecessor of our Faculty of Curative Education. Today, his legacy is preserved in the Collection of the History of Special Education of the Gusztáv Bárczi Faculty of Special Education. An exhibition of interesting and unique documents from the legacy presents the most important stages of Gusztáv Bárczi's life.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE Library of the Bárczi Gusztáv Faculty of Special Needs Education and the Special Collection of the History of Special Needs Education

Monsters in the library – The new library calendar is now available

The 2025 calendar of the ELTE University Library and Archives features a selection of images from the atlas Theatrum orbis terrarum (The Theatre of the World's Lands).

The Theatrum of Abraham Ortelius, considered to be his major work, was printed between 1570 and 1612 in several languages, in continually expanded editions, with artistic decoration, most of the maps praising the work of other cartographers rather than Ortelius. The maps covered the world as known at the time, with brief descriptions of the topography, flora, fauna and population of the area. The popularity of the atlas lay not only in its cartographic accuracy, but also in the artistic execution, enhanced by the hand-colouring of each copy. The depiction of marine creatures served not only decorative purposes, but also to promote a broad understanding of the world's wildlife. The ELTE University Library and Archives preserves six different editions dating from 1575 to 1601. The most spectacular of these, from 1592, contains illustrations of animals which, based on the books accepted as authoritative at the time, were considered by scholars to be real creatures. An electronic version of the calendar is available here.

The representative wall calendar was published under the management of the Prime Minister’s Office, with the support of the National Cooperation Fund, the Bethlen Gábor Fund Management Ltd. and the Foundation for the University Library.

For information about the support options of the Foundation for the University Library, please, visit our website. More details about our book adoption program can be found here.




Source/author of illustration:

Reporting Day K21 – Results in the light of quality improvement

At the fourth quarterly report of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee 2024, the leaders of the working groups reported on the results of the past quarter, ongoing work and changes.

The committee members approved the new Quality Manager of the ELTE University Library Service. The working groups prepared the work plans for 2025. The Primary Research Working Group completed the staff service survey questionnaire provided by the ELTE Quality Office, with modifications and suggestions. The Process Management Workgroup will complete the description of key processes from the revised process inventory as a task for the 2025 work plan.

The Communication Working Group provided information on the tasks and achievements of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee through our website, newsletter and short film entitled 3 months – 3 minutes, and contributed to the success of the preparation and administration of the K21 reporting days meetings, as well as to the publication of the University Library Service news on the ELTE Libraries platform. The Green Library Working Group completed the update of the Virtual Green Collection data and finalised the Green Library Questionnaire.

The library leaders held three meetings in the third quarter to discuss, among other things, the current tasks of the theses digitisation project, the steps of the process, the problems encountered, the actual tasks for the coming months, the ELTE regulations on the new thesis repository and the future thesis service, the process and tasks of Aleph–SAP data transfer, as well as the adoption of the key processes of the University Library Service and the work plans of the coordination committees for 2025.

An update on the achievements of the K21 Quality Coordination Committee and our new developments will be posted on our website soon.

Source/author of illustration:

University Library volume in the Slovak National Gallery

On 6 December 2024, the exhibition Fruits of Discord. Portraying the Ottoman Presence opened at the Slovak National Gallery. The exhibition presents the interesting and dramatic history of Hungarian-Ottoman relations in the 16th and 17th centuries through the example of the cultural relations, including the Tamás Pálffy volume on loan from the ELTE University Library and Archives. The exhibition explores the period of Ottoman expansion in Hungary and the intercultural exchanges, with a special focus on Ottoman material culture in Central European art.

The volume on display (RMK III. 316:1) contains a speech by Tamás Pálffy (1620-1679), Major Canon and Abbot of Bath of Esztergom, later Bishop of Vác, Eger and Nitra, delivered in the Church of St John the Baptist in Nagyszombat on 26 November 1652 on the occasion of the funeral of four members of the Esterházy family, victims of the battle of Vesekény with the Turks. The speech in Latin is accompanied by a full-page depiction of the castrum doloris and a fold-out engraving of the funeral procession, printed on two leaves, made by Mauritz Lang in Bratislava from drawings of the scene by Hans Rudolf Miller. The illustrations on display are of particular importance for the history of art. The exhibition is open until 18 May 2025.

Source/author of illustration:
ELTE ULA; Pálffy Tamás: In exequiis illustrissimi comitis ac domini, domini Ladislai Eszterhazi de Galanta, perpetui de Frakno, [...]. Viennae Austriae [Wien] : apud Matthaeum Cosmerovium, anno 1653.