Participation of ELTE EKL Savaria Library and Archives in the 30th Vas County Library Day

The ELTE EKL Savaria Library and Archives took part in the professional day of the 2024 National Library Days, held at the Móra Ferenc Municipal Library and Museum in Szentgotthárd. This event was particularly special as we celebrated both the 30th Vas County Library Day and the 70th anniversary of the Móra Ferenc Library.

The event was opened by Tiborné Horváth, the director of the host institution, followed by greetings from Gábor Huszár, the mayor of Szentgotthárd, and Dr. Mónika Baráthné Molnár, director of the Berzsenyi Dániel Library.

An interesting and topical presentation was given by Csaba Csuk, the head of the ELTE EKL Savaria Library and Archives, entitled „Artificial Intelligence from the User's Perspective: the impact of AI on our work and life”. His presentation offered both theoretical and practical insights into how artificial intelligence is affecting the library sector and our daily lives.

Dr. Mónika Baráthné Molnár followed with her thought-provoking presentation on the challenges and opportunities in library strategy formulation, which provided inspiration and ideas for many attending librarians.

The theme of the National Library Days this year was „Play”, and fittingly, Judit Hochrein and Endre Kardos, members of the Kis-Hétrét ensemble, delighted participants with a unique musical performance.

The afternoon program included a tour of the Cistercian Monastery building and the Church of the Assumption in Szentgotthárd. We extend our thanks to Renáta Szép, the municipal officer for external relations and coordination, for the informative and engaging tour.

We would also like to express our gratitude to the organizers, particularly the staff of the Móra Ferenc Municipal Library and Museum and the Berzsenyi Dániel Library, for their warm hospitality and the exceptionally well-organized professional program.

Csuk Csaba: Mesterséges intelligencia felhasználói szemmel


Csuk Csaba: Mesterséges intelligencia felhasználói szemmel


Source/author of illustration:
ELTE EKL Savaria Könyvtár és Levéltár