Külső raktárunk költöztetése miatt az ott tárolt könyvek és doktori disszertációk, valamint a könyvtár teljes raktári folyóirat-állománya előreláthatólag 2025. január elejéig nem elérhető. A könyvállományunk nagy része továbbra is kölcsönözhető, valamint friss szakirodalom található a szabadpolcokon. 

Könyvtárunk 2024. november 29-én (péntek) egyetemi rendezvény miatt zárva tart.


"From 2-6 February, it was all about fashion again in Budapest thanks to the Budapest Central European Fashion Week. The main event of the renewed BCEFW, the designer presentations, took place between 4-5 February in four iconic buildings of Budapest: the National Dance Theatre, the Hungarian National Museum, the Museum of Ethnography and the ELTE University Library and Archives, where nearly a thousand people came to see the autumn-winter 2023/24 collections made by Hungarian brands, as well as two Slovak and two Polish designers. [...]"
"[...] Ahead of major fashion weeks starting this month, the Hungarian fashion and design agency (HFDA) hosted highly creative presentations in four iconic Budapest buildings: the National Dance Theater; the Hungarian National Museum; the Ethnographic Museum; and the ELTE University Library. Since its launch in 2018, the HFDA organizes twice a year the Budapest Central European Fashion Week, the main fashion event of the Central European region. [...]"
"Traditional craftsmanship and modern design are the hallmarks of Budapest Central European Fashion Week (BCEFW), which ended in the Hungarian capital on 6 February.
"[...] This week and taking advantage of the gap that exists in the international fashion calendar that seems to have no end and almost no breaks, a new edition of Budapest Central European Fashion Week is about to start. The great fashion event led by The Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency, which takes place twice a year and has become one of the most important fashion events in the Central European region, will celebrate its 11th edition from February 2 to 6.
"[...] Ahead of the major fashion weeks kicking off this month, Hungarian Fashion & Design Agency (HFDA) organised highly creative presentations in four iconic Budapest buildings: the National Dance Theatre; the Hungarian National Museum; the Museum of Ethnography; and the ELTE University Library.